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   Arakelots monastery in Sassoon, Sourp Partoghimeos church in Van, Khtskonq monastery in Kars, Arakelots church in Mush ... these are only a few among the Armenian cultural and historical monuments that are in the process of being destroyed in occupied Western Armenia and the trace of Armenian presence is being definitively erased by the Turkish government.

    An organization studying the Armenian architecture has taken photographs of the barbarism directed against every monument of Armenian style. The "Cultural Genocide" photo exhibition  and the conference dedicated to this subject in France,  present the works of  Mr. Samvel Karapetian during the last years. The historical aspects will be explained by Mrs Mélanya Balayan and the analytical aspects by Mr. Arménag Aprahamian.

    Photos shot recently and in 2000-2003 are displayed beside 100 to 150 years old pictures, showing how churches and sculptures were turned into mosques, cattle sheds or completely destroyed.

      The exhibition and conference are organized by the Hay Djampa France organization and the  National  Council of Armenians from Western Armenia.


      Very few people know what is currently happening in occupied Western Armenia. These actions aim at making our compatriots and the international public opinion aware of the physical aggression still suffered by the Armenian people, 90 years after the Genocide.


     It is considered to put the exhibition at the disposal of several countries. Moreover, the organizers are thinking over the preparation of a resolution denouncing these exactions to international organizations, this resolution being the final objective of the conference programme in France.


    Once more, in 2005, the most elementary rights of a several thousand years old nation are denied by a government which is the heir of the most odious crimes. It is thus necessary to apply the democratic rights to everyone, including the Armenians from Western Armenia, descendants of the Genocide survivors.


For further information 

Dossier presse en pdf

L’église d’Akhtamar serait mal restaurée